Thursday, May 7, 2009

Finally, A Fun Day!

After paying my dues for the past three days in some of the more challenging classes of my year, I was offered a slight reprieve today in returning to a first grade class I've subbed for a couple times this year.  They are a bilingual class, but wow! - I noticed significant improvement with the English fluency and the confidence in speaking it.  I had no trouble communicating with the class, and while they had a couple little moments of chattiness and not sitting still, they were really good.

Quite a few of them colored me pictures, which, come to think of it, I think I left them there.  Oh well, they were mostly just pages ripped from coloring books.  It's always sweet when kids want to give you something they made though.

We almost had a problem partway through the day when we were going to start a Mother's Day project.  The kids were supposed to be painting little clay pots, but we were 2 pots short!  The assistant tried to call the teacher, I went to ask the teacher next door if she knew, but we both came up with no answers.  Then we started looking around everywhere while the kids just kind of watched.  The assistant opened the cabinet, and while we were both looking it in all of the kids started pointing and yelling, "There! Right there!"  Then we realized the extra pots were on the top shelf and that all the kids had spotted them before we had. :)  So we had enough pots and we got started painting!  All the pots turned out really cute, so I'm sure they'll have fun finishing that up tomorrow.  I just hope I will have something fun to do again tomorrow as well!


Anonymous said...

I am so happy that you had a fun day. Very cool that you could see how much they had learned since you saw them last. Hope tomorrow can be as fun for you.

Betty said...

I can't believe I didn't comment on this last night. Where was I? Anyway, I was glad it was a good day for you. The painted pots sounded cute. I'm waiting for today's posting. Love you!!! MOM