When we were walking back from the cafeteria after dumping lunch trays I overhead a few kids discussing whether or not Santa was real. A few were just adamant that he WAS real and were telling everyone who would listen that is was so. A few others were just as convinced that he was NOT real, and we shaking their heads in a "we know so much more than you" manner. The believers then retorted with, "Well, if he's not real than where do all the presents come from?!" To which the non-believers replied, "DUH! Your mom and dad!!" Then, oh dang it then, they turned to me and asked "Miss Barnes, is Santa real?" To which I gave the very real and not at all a cop-out answer of "I don't know... maybe!" (but I said it all mysterious-like). Then we walked past the principal and they asked her. (She said, "Yes of course he is!") The believers were happy and the non-believers were still shaking their heads and arguing about it. I eventually said to them, "Hey, ya know, it doesn't hurt anybody if they believe in Santa and you don't. It's not a big deal. Just let them believe it and leave them alone." I wish parents who told their kids there is no Santa would also tell them to keep it to themselves!
A Long Long Sleep
12 years ago