Saturday, July 31, 2010

Whatever Floats Your Boat

Despite some doubt on my part for the ability of this activity to last the 2 hours allotted, all went well and the time flew!

Today, as you can see, we made balloon powered boats. Kids started with a milk carton some straws and a balloon and constructed a boat. Some eventually added multiple balloons and complicated add-ons, but we found that the ones with one balloon seemed to work the best. One the two girls in the class had the most reliable boat - one that traveled in a straight line from the front to the back of the "pool" with no assistance.

Last night I decided milk cartons were boring to look at, so I went to the store and bought a couple rolls of colored duct tape. Green because it's awesome, and for the Ducks, and orange so the Beavers don't feel left out. Most of the kids didn't seem to have a strong team allegiance, so they used both colors together.

All in all, it went pretty smoothly, despite the fact that we had to wait for everyone to finish building before we could travel outside to test...and then all go back in together to alter things. It was just me supervising the class today (as it has been from the start despite my wish for an assistant - she hasn't been able to make it yet!), and since the test pool was out back right by an alley that cars drive way too fast through (!) it was kinda important that I be out there when they were.

Next week - build your own board game. To me this seems like the most sedate of the sessions, maybe the least exciting, but I keep hearing kids talking about how they're signed up for it all excited-like! Who knew?

Saturday, July 24, 2010

Stormin' the Castle

Today's Super Saturday featured....Catapults!

I have to say, this has been my favorite activity so far. Surprisingly, it was required less assistance from me, and I was able to spend more time walking around, talking to kids, seeing what they were doing, and taking pictures! There were a great variety of catapults (some more effective than others), but they all worked!

The building phase of today was NOISY! The wheels were a very tight fit on the dowels, and most of the kids found the most effective way to get the wheel on was to "hammer" the dowel onto the table. So for about 5 minutes we had a loud chorus of banging coming from our room.

We used marshmallows as our projectiles. At first the kids just launched their marshmallows to see how far they could go. For the last half-hour of the class though, I brought out the big bin of plastic cups and the kids worked together in pairs (mostly) to build walls of cups, then attacked their walls with an assault of marshmallows. I think they could have been entertained doing this for an extra hour! I got lots of great videos of the destruction too --> and that's a screen cap of one of them! :)

Saturday, July 17, 2010

Set the Wheels in Motion

Today was the second Super Saturday! This week we make propeller-powered cars. The kids attached a propeller to a small motor, and then connected that to a 9V battery. Then we did lots and lots (and lots) of time trials! We set up a 30 ft course in the hallway and measured how long it took their creations to make it from start to finish.

This week went a lot smoother than last week, at least it felt like it to me! I was still running around like crazy trying to help 5 kids at once, and time the trials, but it was more orderly. The kids worked at their tables, and I broke the building into 2 sessions - first everyone built their car, then we added motors. There was generally less chaos and it was easier to get their attention. I still wish I had an assistant though. It would have been nice to put an assistant in charge of the stopwatch (my phone), so I could have focused on helping the kids who still needed it. But I'm multi-tasking girl, so I just did it all!

Oh, I did have one funny conversation with a kid this week. One of the boys said he remembered me from a day I subbed in his class - not from the school year that we just finished, but the year before that! He then went on to tell me, "Ya, you were there the day we got our yearbooks and I have your signature in mine!" :) And yes, you can read my blog about this day - it was June 4, 2009.

Once again, they all seemed to have a lot of fun! Next week is catapults...I may have to go searching for a helmet. :)

Saturday, July 10, 2010

Full of Hot Air

I can't believe it's finally here, but today was the first day of Super Saturdays! As I mentioned in a previous blog, I'm teaching a series of 2-hour science classes at the Salem-Keizer Education Foundation this summer. The first class was called "Full of Hot Air" and we built balloon-powered cars.

There were 11 kids that showed up - 8 boys and 3 girls. Most of them had just finished 4th or 5th grade but there were a few older and younger. The kids were really eager to get started. I had all the supplies set out and I think I've learned that that's not a great plan for next week! I barely had a chance to tell them what we were doing and they were cutting stuff up and gluing stuff together!

Some of the kids got very inventive after trying their car with one balloon and finding it anti-climactic. I think by the end of the 2 hours most of the kids were powering their cars with 2 or 3 balloons, or as shown in the first picture - 4!

I set up a "racetrack" in the hallway before the class started by marking
off every foot with a short line and every yard with a long line. The kids used this space to try out their cars and see how far they could get them to travel. I few got theirs to go beyond the original 25 feet I had marked, so I had to add extra markings to the track!

And of course, some decided to race their creations at the end!

The room was a total mess when they left. I spent about 30 minutes cleaning it all up. Might have to do something about that next week. :)

They all seemed to have fun and none of them were terrors, so all in all I'd say it was a success. Next Week: propeller-powered cars.