Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Another Day Down, 13 To Go!

Can you believe there are only 13 days left of school? I can't.

I subbed today in a second grade class. The kids were pretty good considering how close it is to the end of the year. Their biggest problem was that they couldn't seem to get along. I had to have a lot of "if you don't have anything nice say, don't say anything at all" conversations.

Other than that it was fine.

And I have absolutely nothing else to say. :)


Betty said...

I love that quote from Thumper - I used it many times myself. Glad your day was basically uneventful. Hope you get to work many of the 13 left.
Love you!!! MOM

Anonymous said...

That quote is from Thumper? I feel so enlightened. The trouble with a short blog with not much to say is that now I don't have much to say about you not having much to say. Guess that will have to do. Hugs, Rhonda