Thursday, May 21, 2009

UFOs, Superheros, and Bees

While I was talking via Skype with my brother this afternoon I got a call for an afternoon job.  Good for the paycheck, but bad timing!  I had like 3 minutes to get ready and leave which really just is not fun.  I can do it, but really, why would I want to?

So I tootled off to sub for some 3rd graders.  It was a pretty light lesson plan - the whole afternoon consisted of reading and writing for the kiddos.  They had to write for a long time!  The first hour they were writing stories about a UFO landing at their school.  Then we had silent reading (which was not silent at all, but it was hard for me to quite them down while still doing battle with my half-voice.)  Then they were supposed to spend the next half-hour writing about some superheroes they were creating.  Some were eager to work on this but most were all "wrote-out" so I gave them a word search the teacher had left in case we needed it.  They liked doing this and it kept things relatively calm until the end of the day and clean up time.

As for the bee: when I got home I was out watering my plants and a bee flew into the apartment!  It was absolutely gigantic and I was pretty much terrified of it.  I'm sure my antics would have made for a great sitcom bit.  I was trying to coax it out of the window and out the door by throwing an empty hot pocket box at the window blinds from about 6 feet away.  But that blasted bee would NOT come out of the window!  I ended up going outside to scope out what the bee was doing from a safer vantage point and then my neighbor came outside!  I told him my trial, and he kinda laughed at me, but then came into the apartment and pretty much just picked that dang bee up on a piece of paper and tossed him outside.  So I felt like a moron, but at least it was gone!  


Anonymous said...

I'm right there with you on the bee issue. I have discovered that you can kill them with a lightbulb. I've had 2 fly in our light fixture, and if you keep turning it so that the bee is right under the bulb he's a goner. Sounds like your kids today had some fun things they were working on. Sorry it was on short (no) notice.
Hugs, Rhonda

Betty said...

Ok, what in the world did Rhonda mean about the light bulb? Anyway, I'm glad you got another half day in even though it was short notice. Nice that they had an alternative to the writing when they were sick of it. Love your bee story - I'm glad I got to experience it live!
Love you!!! MOM