Tuesday, June 2, 2009

I Smell Good

I think that was the first thing one of the girls told me this afternoon.  The class was coming in from recess and she walked right up to me, said hi, and then announced that I smelled good.  I must say I enjoy this comment more than the ones about my lips being weird.  Not sure what smelled good - laundry detergent, shampoo, deodorant (haha) - she seemed to think it was perfume, which is weird because I was not wearing any perfume or body mist stuff.

Anyways, the rest of the day was easy.  I read a book, did a reading group, and then supervised the kids while they worked on an endangered species project.  For the last hour we had a guest science speaker.  While I was standing at the door saying goodbye to the class, kids from two other classes in the pod that I've subbed for noticed me and bunches of them came over to give me hugs.  So I got three sets of goodbyes today.  It's nice to be remembered fondly. :)


Betty said...

Sounds like you had a nice afternoon. It's always good to have a positive comment made rather than having something weird pointed out when you walk in the door. That's nice the classes you've had before were happy to see you. Not surprising.
Love you!!! MOM

Sarah said...

You must have had the phantom perfume on! lol. Nice to have an easy day, huh? :)