Monday, June 15, 2009


Well, I have no sub stories, but I figured I needed to wrap this baby up for the year. I didn't work the last week of school, which isn't really surprising. Most teachers don't want to be gone during the last week, and they're not allowed to take personal days anyway. So there are sometimes a few jobs for people who get really sick, but not many. Roommate did get a job on Monday (which figures, since if there's a job available she'll always get it before me). But apparently the kids were horrible, so I wasn't too jealous.

But yes, school is officially out in Salem-Keizer as of last Friday. I'm spending the summer relaxing, catching up on reading, tinkering with cake decorating and trying to see if I can stir up any business, and the dreaded applying-for-jobs-for-new-year! I may try to update this blog occasionally, but I'm still going to try to keep it mostly teaching-related.

If you have facebook, you can keep up with what I'm doing there:

Have a great summer everybody!



Betty said...

I loved reading your blogs all year. You have a way of relating your experiences that is very entertaining. Enjoy the summer!
Love you!!! MOM

Sarah said...

YAY! and now for shopping, garage sales, games and hanging out! ALL SUMMER! :)