Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Feeling Discouraged

The new sub system is convenient I guess, but it kind of a pain. You have to be REALLY quick with the clicker or somebody beats you to it. It's frustrating! I'm hoping it will turn out to be a nice change, but right now I'm not loving it so much. It makes me feel like I'm just a number.

Anyways, I feel like blogging, but it looks like there will be no new story for today. So here's another short old one from last year:

I was subbing in a Head Start preschool and I had brought my book (the one my aunt wrote and I illustrated - from here on known as "the Kailey book"). I read the book to the class and they really liked it and were very impressed with my drawing - I've been told I'm a "good draw-er". Anyways, the class and I went out for recess and one of the little girls ran up to me and told me that when she "growed up" she was going to be a teacher too and she was going to write a book and read it to her class too! It was cute.

Hey! Here's a little plus - I do have a job for tomorrow now! I've conquered the clicker!

1 comment:

Sarah said...

Congrats on the clicker! :) sorry you have been discouraged.