Thursday, November 20, 2008

Indians and Turkeys

Today was the day before the last day before Thanksgiving break in the Salem-Keizer school district. And yes, I realize that is a confusing sentence, but I like it. It's funny.

So yes, I have no entries for the last 5 days. That's because there's no school on Saturday and Sunday, so no subbing to write about, and the first three days of this week I went jobless. But today I had a job at one of the nicer schools in the district, with another first grade class.

The kids were good, typical first-graders. Meaning that if they had some random thought cross their brain at any point in the day they had an incredibly difficult time fighting the primal urge to BLURT it out right then and there! It can be frustrating, but it's also so hilarious sometimes I have a hard time not laughing. There was one instance where I was reading a Thanksgiving poem that said something in it about going to Grandma's house. I raised my hand in the air and asked the kids if any of them were going to their Grandma's house for Thanksgiving. Instead of those who were going to a Grandma's house raise their hands in imitation of what I was doing, they all - ALL - started yelling out simultaneously just exactly where they WERE going. And yes, they really were yelling, because otherwise how would I hear them over all the other kids?! haha So it took me a couple minutes to calm them all down. I made some lame statement like, "Now, did I say, 'everybody yell out to me where you're going for Thanksgiving'?" To which they replied emphatically, "Noooooooo!" Then we moved on for fear they would all think of something new to tell me.

Other than that it was uneventful. Oh, and we read stories about Indians and made paper turkeys and tissue paper turkeys - which has inspired this blog's title.

I'm subbing tomorrow afternoon, but might not blog about it until Sunday because I'm going to Vancouver for the weekend. And then that will be all for the blogs for a week due to Thanksgiving break!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I love the part about the kids all yelling their plans. That is so 1st grade! I can't tell you how many times I asked a question and I got the same kind of uninhibited response. They're cute so you don't really get annoyed. Have a fun weekend.
Love you!!! MOM