Wednesday, September 23, 2009

It Really Shouldn't Take That Long

Today was not a bad day. However, it was also not a good lesson plan.

Biggest problem? All the activities for today's group of bilingual 1st graders were pretty simple, quick projects. However, the time allotted for them was excessively long! For example, we had 30 minutes to listen to a CD of songs, 50 minutes to practice counting, and 25 minutes to clean up and line up to go home. I kid you not.

First off, the kids could barely listen to the songs for 3 minutes. So we did some "dancing" to the songs. They were supposed to sing them I guess, but they didn't know the words, and I didn't either. The assistant and I made up some movements and marched around the room and this seemed to entertain them while also wearing them out a little. Ulterior motive? Yes.

Secondly, who counts by 2s 5s and 10s for 50 minutes?! I'm bored just thinking of it! I can't even fathom how I could stretch that activity for that long and keep the kids' attention. I don't think it's possible. So yeah, we didn't do that. Instead, I read a book, we counted for like maybe 10 minutes and then we did some math worksheets. All of that took 50 minutes. You see how the original plan posed a problem.

Lastly, 25 minutes to clean up is substitute suicide. I know this because I have made the mistake of attempting a lengthy clean up/jobs time before only to wish that I hadn't. You see, students are not dumb. And when they realize that we are cleaning up because this is the END OF THE DAY, they think, this is my last chance to try something that I know my teacher wouldn't let me do! And then my friends, we have chaos. So instead we colored and looked at books and spent about 7 minutes cleaning up. Even that was a bit long.

But despite the sparse schedule, some long waiting in the hallway for the PE teacher to arrive, and my lack of Spanish proficiency, it was a pretty decent day.


Anonymous said...

Good thing you're so creative to fill in for poor planning. 50 min of counting! That's right up there with singing 99 bottles of coke on the wall on a long drive. Makes you want jump for it and run. Glad you pulled a good day out of it. Hugs, Rhonda

Betty said...

You never cease to amaze me with how creative you are and how you are able to figure out alternative activities on little or no notice when you aren't given good plans. Way to go!
Love you!!! MOM