Friday, June 4, 2010

Too Many Giggles

I got called really late today. The call came at 8:20. The start time listed was 8:30. The time that school actually starts is 8:00. So by the time I got there the kids had been in school for nearly an hour.

There were also no plans. However, there was an assistant who filled me in on what to do throughout the day. At one point I read story, but had to stop partway through because a few of the boys were laughing really loudly every time I took a breath. It was annoying. We did finish it later after I gave a talk about how it's ok to laugh, but you need to be in control of yourself and quiet down when it's time to move onto the next page. They did better after that.

Then I got to take them to PE at 1:45. From there they had music and then they went home from there. I spent a good part of the afternoon reading - which I enjoyed.


Betty said...

I'm so glad it turned out to be a mostly pleasant day and you had the help since it was a late call. It's always surprising to me when there are no plans to be found for you to use. I wonder if the teacher usually has written plans or just a few notes to work from. I couldn't have done that. Yay for the weekend!
Love you!!! MOM

Fish's Guppy said...

I sub for the 12 month schools in my city when I'm out for summer break (I'm a nine month teacher). It's a good reminder to me about what it's like for subs when they come in. Kids can be sweet and charming but sometimes you just want to stop and ask, "what is wrong with you?" Well, I just want to say that I sympathize with you on your day.
Incidentally, I just got a call yesterday to sub at 10:45. 10:45! I laughed and declined the job. No way, Jose, was I going to teach those children.