Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Hail is Evil

Today was a whirlwind of a day!

First, I got called at 8:20 for this job that started at 8:30. It was way across town, for a 3/4 blend, bilingual, and I just didn't really want to do it! So I turned it down.

A couple minutes later, I get another call from the real-live-person line of the sub office. Basically, they really needed a sub for the class, and were having trouble filling it.

It's a lot harder to say no to a live person than a recording!

So I took it.

By the time I arrived, some adult was in the room was taking the kids to music, after which they had PE. I had about a hour to myself to read over what I was doing and figure out how I was going to go about it.

On the whole, the kids were alright. Chatty, but not terrible.

The worst part of the day was during their lunch time, when I was one lunch duty. See, there was one other adult in the room, and I wasn't exactly sure if I was supposed to be in charge or if she was. And she didn't seem too bothered by some of the insanity that was going on, and I wasn't sure if I should jump in, or if I'd be stepping on her toes. Probably wouldn't even have mattered if it hadn't started hailing during their lunch! Of course, the kids see whitish precipitation falling outside, and what do they immediately yell? "SNOW!!!!!" Calming them down after that point was futile. They were jumping up and down, running to the windows, screaming - it was madness. Once we finally left to go back to the room (which, unfortunately is a portable, heck, even the main building isn't connected to the cafeteria!) the kids were sliding around on the slushy ground, picking up slush balls and throwing them at each other, and generally stomping up the ramp and yelping and making as much noise as possible! Hail. Evil. I tell you.

Shockingly (haha), it melted in about 5 minutes and we moved on with the day.

I hate winter weather. Sunshine please!

1 comment:

Betty said...

I'm with you - sunshine please! I do remember days like that where you were somewhat enjoying a sane group of kids when something "whitish" began to fall and it becomes chaos. It doesn't happen too often which is why they go crazy I guess. Glad you survivied.
Love you!!! MOM