Thursday, May 17, 2012

Time Has Flown!

Guys!  It has been SO long!  Yes, I'm still subbing.  I've actually been fairly busy.  But since I was doing that long-term job until the end of January, and I was working on my Master's degree, I didn't really have time or feel inclined to write these blog posts, and then I just plain got out of the habit!  But I'm back now!  Here's a little of what's been happening:

I finished the first grade job at the end of January - making it four months that I had the position.  It was all kinds of stressful and challenging and fun and rewarding.  I worked with the most amazing team of teachers - I was just as sad to leave them as I was to leave my kiddos.  Both the first grade teachers were helpful and supportive all the time - they gave me ideas and advice and answered all my questions, and made me feel like I was doing stuff right.  My last three days at this job were spent team teaching with the returning teacher.  I planned the lessons and taught most of them while the regular teacher observed and assisted.  On the last day she took over some of the lessons and I assisted.  At the end of the day we had a party - the class had earned popcorn and a movie, and one student brought cookies for their birthday.  Then the principal arrived with cupcakes for the kids and flowers and a card for me.  Oh, and I gave the kids bookmarks that I'd made them.  Needless to say they were all very hyped up that afternoon.

The next week I went back to regular subbing.  I emailed all the teachers I'd written to earlier in the year to tell them I was available again.  I've since visited some of the classrooms, although I've only actually been to 7 different schools this year!

In other news - I completed my Master's degree on April 11th!  (Finally, no more homework!)  Then on April 12, my mom, aunt and I flew to Disneyland to celebrate.  Even though I missed out on a couple days of subbing, it was worth it!

I've been keeping a record of where I've gone each day, so I might (if I get really ambitious), go back and write blog posts that are more specific.  Check back and harass me if nothing ever appears!  Only 17 days of school left!

1 comment:

Betty said...

Nice synopsis of the missing weeks/months. It would be fun to read some more specifics of days you taught when you have the time and inclination. Disneyland...what a great time we had! We'll have to start planning our next trip before too long. Love you!!!